Guide to Various Types of Wedding Corsage Styles

Corsages are a beautiful way to add a touch of elegance and charm to a wedding outfit, whether you're the bride, a member of the bridal party, or a guest. Here are some popular corsage styles to consider for your special day:

1. Wrist Corsage

  • Typically worn on the wrist, this style is perfect for bridesmaids and mothers of the bride or groom.

  • Consists of flowers and greenery attached to a bracelet-like band.

  • Can be made with fresh flowers or silk blooms for a lasting keepsake.

2. Pin-On Corsage

  • Designed to be pinned onto the dress or lapel.

  • Ideal for groomsmen, fathers, and grandmothers.

  • Usually crafted with smaller blooms and delicate accents for a subtle touch of color.

3. Handheld Corsage

  • A small bouquet that is held in the hand.

  • Suitable for flower girls or brides who prefer a non-traditional corsage option.

  • Can include a mix of flowers, ribbons, and decorative elements for a whimsical look.

4. Shoulder Corsage

  • Worn on the shoulder, creating a unique and eye-catching accessory.

  • Great for brides looking to make a statement or for a vintage-inspired wedding theme.

  • Often composed of larger blooms and cascading greenery for a dramatic effect.

5. Hair Corsage

  • Adorned with flowers and greenery to be worn in the hair.

  • Perfect for brides seeking a bohemian or romantic look.

  • Can be styled as a floral crown, hair clip, or comb to complement different hairstyles.

6. Ankle Corsage

  • A less common but whimsical option for unconventional brides.

  • Designed to be worn around the ankle, typically with a ribbon tie or elastic band.

  • Adds a subtle floral accent to the bride's overall ensemble.

When selecting a wedding corsage style, consider the overall theme, color palette, and personal style preferences. Whether you opt for a classic wrist corsage or a trendy hair corsage, these floral accessories are sure to enhance the beauty of your special day.


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