Guide: What to Do with Flowers After a Wedding

After the wedding day has passed, you may be wondering what to do with the beautiful flowers that adorned the venue. Here are some creative and sustainable ideas to make the most of those blooms:

  1. Donate to Nursing Homes or Hospitals: Spread joy by donating the flowers to local nursing homes or hospitals. The residents or patients will appreciate the gesture, and the flowers can brighten up their day.

  2. Create Potpourri: Preserve the essence of the flowers by creating potpourri. Dry out the petals and mix them with aromatic herbs for a lovely scented keepsake.

  3. Press and Frame: Press some of the flowers between the pages of a heavy book to flatten them, and then frame them as a beautiful piece of art to cherish.

  4. Make Floral Bath Salts: Dry the flowers and mix them with Epsom salts for a luxurious and aromatic addition to your bath routine.

  5. Compost: If the flowers are beyond their prime, consider composting them. Flowers make a great addition to a compost pile and can enrich the soil for future plants.

  6. Create Flower Arrangements: Refresh the flowers by arranging them in vases or jars and placing them around your home. Enjoy the beauty of the blooms for a little while longer.

  7. Gift to Guests: If you had small potted plants or succulents as part of your decor, consider letting guests take them home as wedding favors.

  8. Dry and Preserve: Hang the flowers upside down to dry them out, and then use them in crafts such as wreaths, candles, or even jewelry.

Remember, the beauty of flowers can be enjoyed long after the wedding day is over. Get creative and find ways to repurpose and appreciate the floral remnants of your special day.


Guide to Different Types of Bridesmaid Flowers


Guide to Choosing Flowers for an Outdoor Wedding